
Deck of cards of Ronda

10 de septiembre de 2013 0

Baraja de cartas de Ronda_Hotel San FranciscoWhat better way to learn about Ronda than from a navite of Ronda? And what if you can enjoy a great work of art draw with fountain pen of all the monuments, present and past, of our beautiful city? That makes a perfect souvenir of your visit to Ronda.

In our hotel you can acquire the elegant deck of cards of Ronda plus a book of a walk along Ronda through the drawings of the deck.

A great memory of Ronda and your stay at our hotel, since the author was the promoter and founder of the Hotel San Francisco.

For sale at the Front Desk of the Hotel and other shops and establishments in Ronda.

Coming soon: English version and online sales in the hotel website.